Viewing Current Race Leagues for Dublin North East ...

30 races included:
SKIBBEREEN NORTH - 6017 15/06/2019 ; PENZANCE - 4193 15/06/2019 ; ST MALO 28/06/2019 ; PENZANCE - 4193 06/07/2019 ; THURLES 13/07/2019 ; THURLES 13/04/2019 ; THURLES 20/04/2019 ; MALLOW 27/04/2019 ; CASTLETOWN 04/05/2019 ; SKIBBEREEN NORTH - 6017 11/05/2019 ; CASTLETOWN 18/05/2019 ; PILMORE BEACH 25/05/2019 ; TALBENNY 25/05/2019 ; CASTLETOWN 01/06/2019 ; SKIBBEREEN NORTH - 6017 08/06/2019 ; BARLEYCOVE 21/09/2019 ; CASTLETOWN 14/09/2019 ; MALLOW 07/09/2019 ; PILMORE BEACH 31/08/2019 ; TALBENNY 31/08/2019 ; THURLES 24/08/2019 ; BARLEYCOVE 17/08/2019 ; CASTLETOWN 10/08/2019 ; MALLOW 03/08/2019 ; PILMORE BEACH 27/07/2019 ; THURLES 20/07/2019 ; BARLEYCOVE 29/06/2019 ; PENZANCE - 4193 22/06/2019 ; SKIBBEREEN NORTH - 6017 22/06/2019 ; TALBENNY 08/06/2019 ;
NOTE: The leagues rely on the weekly production of race results by Secretaries.
Also note that only "closed" races, or races with officially issued club or fed results, are included in the points calculations.
You can read all about Club Leagues in our Help Topics.

Dublin North East Flier League

Points Pos Flier Name Club ID Club

Dublin North East Ring Number League

Points Pos Ring No. Club Flier

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