Club Leagues

Secretaries can create club leagues based on Flier race results or ring results. Club leagues depend on standings for each race. These are tables for each race showing what points a Flier or pigeon has earned for that particular race.

To create standings, open your club race record. Go to My Club -> Club Race Results this will open the club race record...

Club Race Results

To create "standings" for each race, click on the Race Stats icon icon. This will show you the top fliers and rings for that race with points awarded. Follow this procedure for all races you want included in the league. Note that results are only included from races that have been verified by your federation or combine race secretary.

It is important to note that the default "positions" or points awarded for each race is "10". For example clubs normally award points to the first 10 race positions. Federations or Combines may decide to award points to the first 100 positions etc.

The number of positions is controlled under your Club Configuration Dashboard and can be set by the club secretary.

Your current Club League can be viewed from My Club -> Club Leagues. This shows the Flier and Pigeon points awarded for all races the club has entered so far.


Login / Register

You need an active account to access all of the tools at

If you don't know your password you can reset it from this link ...

You can register from here or if you already have an account you can login here ...


Registration with is a simple process, and once you create an account here you can

  • Manage lost rings or birds
  • Automatically receive information on lost rings or birds
  • Manage your own rings and birds online
  • Transfer rings or birds
  • Track your race results online

Registration is easy, and you can do that right away from here ...

Register Me Now...


From here we will provide all you need to know about joining a club or federation in Ireland or the UK

View our club info here