Pos | Pts | ID | Name | Club | Section | Miles | Yards | Ring Number | Colour | Sex | Age | Velocity | Vel Diff to Winner | Calc. Flying Time | Entered Flying Time |
1 | 100 | SR-1184 | S. O'DRISCOLL | Donnycarney | ISRF Section N | 382 | 674 | GB-20-V-030191 | CHEQ | H | 5 | 0933.850 ypm | 0.00 ypm | 12h 0m 40s | 12:0:40 |
2 | 99 | SR-1348 | GARYDEEGAN | Blanchardstown | ISRF Section F | 386 | 588 | IHU-22-S-003709 | BLUE | C | 3 | 0649.797 ypm | -284.05 ypm | 17h 26m 24s | 17:26:24 |
3 | 98 | SR-PL4543 | MR MRS P BELL KIDS | Kildonagh | ISRF Section N | 382 | 15 | IHU-22-S-126189 | CHEQ | H | 3 | 0569.945 ypm | -363.90 ypm | 19h 39m 39s | 7:39:38 |
4 | 97 | SR-1181 | DANNY DALTON | Finglas RPC | ISRF Section F | 385 | 450 | IHU-21-S-000066 | BLUE | C | 4 | 0558.610 ypm | -375.24 ypm | 20h 13m 49s | 20:13:49 |
5 | 96 | SR-1653 | JOHN MCLOUGHLIN | Finglas RPC | ISRF Section F | 384 | 1558 | IHU-22-S-111608 | BLUE | H | 3 | 0544.875 ypm | -388.98 ypm | 20h 43m 13s | 20:43:13 |
6 | 95 | SR-2534 | MM A&B PHELAN&SON | Sarsfield RPC | ISRF Section C | 382 | 322 | IHU-19-S-084157 | BLUE | H | 6 | 0493.881 ypm | -439.97 ypm | 22h 41m 57s | 22:41:57 |
7 | 94 | SR-1031 | G O REILLY | Dublin North East | ISRF Section T | 387 | 852 | IHU-21-S-008833 | CHEQ | C | 4 | 0478.689 ypm | -455.16 ypm | 23h 44m 40s | 23:44.000:40.000 |
8 | 93 | SR-1304 | J SHEPHERD | Northside And District | ISRF Section N | 382 | 4 | IHU-22-S-007314 | BLUE | H | 3 | 0399.701 ypm | -534.15 ypm | 28h 2m 4s | 33:32:4 |
9 | 92 | SR-2608 | PAUL & SHANE MC DERMOTT | Bray Invitation | ISRF Section B | 369 | 896 | IHU-20-S-089174 | BLU | C | 5 | 0332.894 ypm | -600.96 ypm | 32h 33m 35s | 32:33:35:: |
10 | 91 | SR-1031 | G O REILLY | Dublin North East | ISRF Section T | 387 | 852 | IHU-19-S-100691 | BLPD | C | 6 | 0278.712 ypm | -655.14 ypm | 40h 46m 52s | 40:46.000:52.000 |
11 | 90 | SR-2434 | JOHN MC DEMOTT & SON | Bray Invitation | ISRF Section B | 369 | 996 | IHU-18-S-130238 | CHQ | H | 7 | 0152.133 ypm | -781.72 ypm | 71h 15m 27s | 71:15:27:: |
Average race distance: 381 miles 655 yards. Winner distance: S. O'DRISCOLL [SR-1184] Donnycarney 382 miles 674 yards. Placed 1 with 0933.850 ypm. Longest distance: G O REILLY [SR-1031] Dublin North East 387 miles 852 yards. Placed 7 with 0478.689 ypm. Shortest distance: PAUL & SHANE MC DERMOTT [SR-2608] Bray Invitation 369 miles 896 yards. Placed 9 with 0332.894 ypm. [ View race information ... ] Results processing by Result-Assist licenced to pigeonlink.com Results subject to verification with the relevant Club or Federation Secretaries. |